• Emergency No. 0522-6780001/ 0002
  • Ambulance No. 0522-6780001/ 0002

Radiology Department Open 24 x 7

We have various Gastro-radiological intervention procedures such as percutaneous transhepatic Biliary drainage, percutaneous intra abdominal abscess drainage/aspiration.Percutaneous hydatid cyst ablation, Percutaneous pseudocyst drainage and percutaneous cystogastrostomy.Various vascular therapeutic procedures-angioplasty, embolization, vascular stenting and intravascular drug therapy.

The department consists of an expert team of skilled Radiologists. 

Dr. Devender Sonkar, M.D (Radio-diagnosis)

Dr. Chandan Maurya-M.D.(Radiodiagnosis),PDCC(Gastro radiology)

Dr. Sushma Pandey -M.D.(Radio-diagnosis).

Radiology & Imaging Science: 


1- MRI

1.5 Tesla ultra fast 16 channel MRI for High Definition Imaging MRI

Flared opening magnet at both ends Patients will have no claustrophobia.

Fast and easy way for MR Mammography (With No Radiation).



·         Noninvasive coronary angiography with maximum safety and lowest radiation dose (1 to 3mSv)

·         Advanced (cardio-vascular) imaging

·         Whole Body Scan within 10 sec.

·         Whole Body Angiography

·         CT Body Perfusion

·         Automated Lung Nodule Evaluation

·         All routine studies of head, neck, body, spine, limbs & joints.



·      3D Ultrasound formats the images into 3D reconstruction and 4 d ultrasound, which is 3D ultrasound in motion, giving the advantage of viewing the baby moving in -utero a THRILLING EXPERIENCE.The volume ultrasound available at our hospital is capable of providing sections of organs to help clinicians for better diagnosis.

·      Doppler ultrasound- is a special technique that evaluates blood, as it flows through a blood vessel.

·      High-resolution ultrasonography of musclo-skeletal using high frequency probes.

·      Transvaginal Ultrasound



Department of Radiology of Sahara Hospital has the following machines for Digital Radiography-

800MA X-RAY Machine with Fluoroscopy,15-200mA X-RAY Machine,2.5 -60 MA X-RAY Machine, Mammography.

Sahara Hospital offers a comprehensive range of advanced Radiology including MRI,128 slices CT scan with Cardiac CT Scan, Cath Labs, Mammography System, Colour Doppler, Digital X-ray, Ultrasound, ECG, Computerized Stress Test (TMT), 2D Echocardiography,Transvaginal Ultrasound.

The Department is hallmarked by EXPERIENCED DOCTORS, HIGHLY SKILLED STAFF and Latest Generation Equipment/s for diagnosis and round the clock quality care of the patient.









Our Experienced Doctors

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0522-6780001/ 0002

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Sahara Hospital, Viraj Khand, Gomti Nager, Lucknow